Sherpa Branded
RIVERSTONE: A Powerful Concept
Gold, Silver & Bronze Telly Award
Best in Direction, Cinematography & People’s Choice
A Sherpa Production
Director: Rick Kaplan
Producer: Dan Lubell
Cinematographer: Travis Tips
Editor: Brian George
Assistant Editor: Eliot Francese
YETI: Liam, The Sea
Gold & Silver Telly Award
Best in Direction & Cinematography
A Sherpa Production
Director: Rick Kaplan
Producer: Rick Kaplan & Danielle Moir
Cinematographer: Rick Kaplan
Editor: Rick Kaplan
Ranch Stories: John, The Cowboss
Gold & Silver Telly Award
Best in Direction, Cinematography
A Sherpa Production
Director: Rick Kaplan
Producer: Dan Lubell
Cinematographer: Travis Tips
Editor: Brian George
Assistant Editor: Eliot Francese
Patagonia: Sherman, The Girls
Gold, Silver & Bronze Telly Award
Best in Direction, Cinematography & Documentary
A Sherpa Production
Director/Producer: Rick Kaplan
Cinematographer: Travis Tips
B-Camera: Matt Figler
Sound: The Wolf
Editor: Brian George
Assistant Editor: Eliot Francese
Yo Yo Ma & SilkRoad: The Future of Everything
A Sherpa Production
Director: Rick Kaplan
Producer: Eduardo Braniff
Cinematographer: Antonio Rossi
B-Camera: Ryan Bronz
Editor: Brian George
WeWork: Cadus
A Sherpa Production
Director: Rick Kaplan
Producer: Dan Lubell
Cinematographer: Robert Wunsch
Editor: Eliot Francese
Ranch Stories: Scotty
Gold & Silver Telly Award
Best in Direction, Cinematography
A Sherpa Production
Director: Rick Kaplan
Producer: Dan Lubell
Cinematographer: Travis Tips
Editor: Brian George
Assistant Editor: Eliot Francese